Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Traumatic 'Deliverance' Scene Referenced For Humourless Gag Controversy.

Page 12 of Christians And Persecutors is now up and ready for you to peruse at your leisure. In this painstakingly rendered instalment Jon continues reminiscing about how he met his current girlfriend Elisha, and the origin of Raj's faith is revealed. (Any similarities to The Empire Strikes Back are purely coincidental.)

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Persecution Continues...

Now that Love Songs And Dedications is finished, work has finally recommenced on Christians And Persecutors. New cover art awaits southwards of this full stop.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Most Popular Web Search Of All Time.

It's a difficult thing to stand out from a crowd of over 300 million other websites vying for your attention. According to The Waiting Drove's web stats (obsessively checked and rechecked by yours truly), the most common route through which people outside of Facebook and Twitter find it is via ... a Cold Chisel song from 1984 - specifically, Satuday Night. It seems there are quite a few people out there wondering what song has the lyrics do de doo de doo do do de do doo. Instead of picking the obvious links to YouTube they're ending up here, because, as I'm sure you already know, I love a bit of musical irony and titled one of my Short webcomics something similar.

And the most interesting (and disturbing) combination of words typed into a search engine that sent one misguided deviant to this webcomic? anime+sex+dog