Thursday, September 9, 2010

Final 'Aaron - An Introduction' Page Posted.

Girls. They're a mystery right? Wrong. Discover the secrets of exactly what goes on in their shoe loving rice cake eating minds in this, the final page of Aaron - An Introduction. Don't believe me? Then click the tab at the top of the page to read the complete story.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

3 Up. New 'Aaron - An Introduction' Page Posted.

Do you like words? Do you like lots of words crammed into fifteen tightly drawn panels? Then you will love the third page of Aaron - An Introduction. In this instalment Raji and Robb continue to school Aaron on the finer points of seduction. Click the tab at the top of the page to read the full story so far.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

'Aaron - An Introduction' Also Playing.

While the main feature Love Songs And Dedications slowly gets posted, earlier completed episodes like this will also get a haphazard release. If you've seen these pages before in paper form, you may notice some changes and updates have been made - think Ridley Scott Blade Runner Final Cut, not George Lucas Star Wars A New Hope Special Edition.

Follow the tab at the top of the page to see the story unfold. Here's the first page -

'Love Songs And Dedications' Now Playing.

'Love Songs and Dedications' was written by Ross Williams and Stefan Duscio. Each new page will appear here on the Home page as the artwork comes in, but be sure to hit the tab at the top of the page to read the ongoing dramas in their correct order. Here's the first page to get you started -

'Saturday Night, Do De Doo De Doo Do Do De Do Doo'.

Some stories need pages and pages of dialogue to make a point. Others only need one page. Then there are some that have to be stretched out in awkward silence to fill 15 panels. This and other stand alone episodes will be available in all their collated glory via the Shorts tab at the top of the page.