Friday, September 23, 2011

The End Of 'Love Songs And Dedications'.

If you prefer your finales painfully realistic and depressingly anti-climactic, then you will love this, the 16th and final page of Love Songs And Dedications. Hit the tab at the top of the page to read the entire episode from the beginning.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Where In The World Is Jon Yoon-Bo?

Six pages ago Jon disappeared from a booth at J-Bot, with no clues to his whereabouts (except for a detailed description of his whereabouts from the bartender). Now in this, the 15th and second to last page of Love Songs And Dedications, Jon returns...

If you only read one page of The Waiting Drove this year, then this may well be the page for you.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

'Love Songs And Dedications' - Fourteen Down, Two To Go.

After seven long years, the end is in sight for Love Songs And Dedications. With only two more pages left to draw, now is as good a time as any to go back and read the entire episode from the beginning. Those of you with a keen eye for detail may even notice that the first seven pages have been redrawn (for consistency's sake). If you've got a large monitor and can handle Blogger's new lightbox script that shrinks images to fit the screen, feel free to go ahead and read the latest page, Page 14. It's ... right ... here.

Blogger Chaos.

The Blogger community is in an uproar today as Blogger rolls out it's new "improved" image viewing code. Those of us already using a Lightbox code awoke to find our blogs acting particularly screwy, with images opening in two separate viewers, and worse, at less than 100% resolution. This is especially problematic if, say, you post a webcomic with 6.5pt text and expect people to still be able to read your finely crafted prose.

Until this bug is fixed it is in both mine and your best interest to ... avoid reading this comic. If things don't improve soon I will move to a new site, or at the very least, repost each page at its original size. I'll keep you posted.