Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Symbolic Iconography Or National Security Risk?

The front cover artwork for Ragebomb Hypothesis Part 1 is complete and ready to confuse new visitors to this website with its controversial imagery. If you're wondering what the hell is going on with the things and the semi-naked polaroids and such, then why not click on the above tab and read almost the entire story? It's organic and gluten free!*

*Some panels may contain gluten.


  1. So I noticed this post was created 5 months ago. Just how long do you intend to keep your readers waiting for new material? Do you honestly believe you have some sort of brand recognition or loyal fanbase that can even remember what the hell The Waiting Drove is?

    1. I agree. Now I get why this comic is set in 2005 or whatever. Not because it's a period piece, but because that's probably when this dickhead started posting it. What a pitiful waste of ten years - time you could have spent taking blurry photos of your Lego sets and posting them on Flickr like a real artist.
