Monday, January 15, 2018

Ragebomb Hypothesis Part 1, Completed In Record Time.

It's hard to believe (or maybe not so hard considering my track record), but it has taken more than six years to complete Ragebomb Hypothesis Part 1. The first page was posted way back in December 2011, based on a story that was originally conceived in 2005. Has The Waiting Drove lost all relevance in the twelve years or more that have since passed? Was it ever relevant at all? Has anyone ever been left waiting on a cliffhanger for such an inordinate amount of time in the history of everything? Before answering these questions, keep in mind that this is Ragebomb Hypothesis Part 1. At the current rate of production, you can look forward to reading Part 2 and the final chapter of this saga in its entirety sometime after 2024. Pencil it into your calendars!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Symbolic Iconography Or National Security Risk?

The front cover artwork for Ragebomb Hypothesis Part 1 is complete and ready to confuse new visitors to this website with its controversial imagery. If you're wondering what the hell is going on with the things and the semi-naked polaroids and such, then why not click on the above tab and read almost the entire story? It's organic and gluten free!*

*Some panels may contain gluten.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Top 5 Webcomic Panels Featuring References To Fellatio And Catholicism.

As soon as you've gotten over the disappointment of discovering the title of this blog post has little to do with its actual content, why not stick around and read the latest page of Ragebomb Hypothesis Part 1? It's chock full of art school bullshit and existential malaise (a winning combination). Forgotten what Ragebomb Hypothesis is all about? Then click the tab at the top of the page. And leave a comment. Comments are good.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Artist Snubs Social Media, Releases New Page Of Obscure Webcomic To Unsuspecting Public.

In this modern age, to actively avoid promoting your website via the likes of Facebook and Twitter seems tantamount to self-sabotage. So it may come as a surprise to hear that The Waiting Drove is closing up shop on these platforms. For the foreseeable future, if you would like to keep abreast of updates and developments you can subscribe to this Blogger page, or submit your email address in the space provided at the top left sidebar. You can also join the mailing list by emailing

Most shocking of all is the news that this decision has been made just as page 9 of Ragebomb Hypothesis Part 1 is ready to drop. It's got one of them there visual puns in it. Modern folk like puns.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Contemporary Fine Art Secrets Revealed.

In the latest instalment of Ragebomb Hypothesis Part 1, Robb discovers more than he ever hoped to about the machinations that drive the Melbourne fine art gallery exhibition scene. Or something to that effect.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Page 7 Of 'Ragebomb Hypothesis'. Here, Now.

It's been seven months since the last page of Ragebomb Hypothesis dropped and, like me, you've probably forgotten why our heroes are standing around an art gallery talking to "creepy weirdos". Lucky for us, this latest page explains their reasons for doing so in vivid detail.

Questions, queries, comments and complaints are welcome. Unless you want to know why it took seven months to draw these fourteen panels. For that, there is no answer (especially since the majority of it was drawn today).

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fans Rejoice As Comment Embargo Lifted.

Due to the overwhelming feedback from fans wishing to contribute to The Waiting Drove's online community, "post comments" have been enabled on the Home page. Now all we need is some new content to comment on, right? Right??

Monday, December 10, 2012

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Runaway Freight Train That Is 'Ragebomb Hypothesis'.

Page 5 of Ragebomb Hypothesis Part 1 has been churned out at breakneck speed and is now available for your viewing pleasure. Click on the above tab, dial your expectations down and prepare yourself for another foray into the magical realm of the Art World - it's not nearly as full of pretentious wankers as you might believe it to be.